Programs & Services

Programmes & services

À noter: Même que tous nos programmes et services n’offrent pas une description en français, tous nos services peuvent être offerts en français. Les services sont répertoriés dans la langue pour laquelle nous recevons le plus de demandes.

One-to-One Expressive Arts and Mindfulness Coaching

Coaching individuel en arts expressifs et en pleine conscience

We provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to freely express themselves through different art forms (visual arts, music, dance, drama, and writing) , to promote healing, personal growth, and self-expression. The emphasis is not on producing aesthetically pleasing artwork, but rather on the process of creation and the personal meaning it holds for the individual. By engaging in the creative process, individuals can explore and communicate their thoughts and emotions in a non-threatening and non-judgmental environment.

Contact us for pricing and to book your coaching session.

Nous fournissons un espace sûr et favorable aux individus pour qu'ils s'expriment librement à travers différentes formes d'art (arts plastiques, musique, danse, théâtre et écriture), afin de promouvoir la guérison, la croissance personnelle et l'expression de soi. L'accent n'est pas mis sur la production d'œuvres d'art esthétiques, mais plutôt sur le processus de création et la signification personnelle qu'il a pour l'individu. En s'engageant dans le processus créatif, les individus peuvent explorer et communiquer leurs pensées et leurs émotions dans un environnement non menaçant et sans jugement.

Contactez-nous pour connaître les tarifs et réserver votre séance de coaching.

Book your session now!


Mindful Group Drumming

HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drumming is a comprehensive whole-person, evidence-based therapeutic approach to drumming and music. Recreational music making encompasses enjoyable, accessible and fulfilling group music-based activities that unite people of all ages, regardless of their challenges, backgrounds, ethnicity, ability or prior experience. Group drumming is not only beneficial to the individual, but is also a wonderful team-building activity!

Community Drum circles are currently being offered at 7 Arts in Greenwood, NS on select Saturdays. 

Contact us to book your Group Drum Circle. We have options, no matter your budget.

Here are two articles with more information on the benefits of drumming and drum circles:

Active Music Making and Wellness

Why Drums and Drum Circles?

Harmony in Motion: Empowering Music & Movement Classes for Graceful Aging

Specializing in working with Neurodegenerative Illness

Classes starting in April 2024 at 7 Arts in Greenwood, NS


There is a plethora of evidence-based research demonstrating that music, creative movement and dancing is excellent for people with neurodegenerative illnesses such as Parkinson's, Alzheimers and dementia.

Did you know that research has shown that improvements in balance and gait from dancing last long after dance classes end?

Benefits of dance for neurodegenerative diseases:

  • increased happiness and resiliency
  • improves gait and balance
  • provides social stimulation and support
  • stimulates cognitive functioning

Dance for Health is a program offered in partnership with Dance Nova Scotia. Contact us for more information or register at [email protected]!

Career Coaching and Academic Advising

For young adults and adults who are looking to transition to a new career path.

Our goal is simple: to provide practical guidance for your academic success and meaningful support as you work towards your career aspirations. Whether you're a student finding your way or aiming to enhance your academic skills, we're here to help. We'll work together to create a clear plan that helps you grow and achieve your goals.

We can offer assistance in the following areas:

  • Academic Advising: Personalized guidance to help students make informed decisions about their education, course selection, and academic goals.
  • Career Coaching: Tailored support to assist individuals in identifying and pursuing career paths that align with their strengths, interests, and aspirations.
  • Career Exploration: Resources and activities to help individuals explore different career options and industries.
  • Career Transition Support: Guidance for individuals seeking to transition to a new career field or industry, including skill assessment and transferable skills identification.
  • Time Management and Study Skills: Workshops and coaching to enhance time management, study techniques, and academic performance.
  • Goal Setting and Planning: Collaborative goal-setting sessions to create clear academic and career objectives and develop actionable plans.
  • Professional Development Workshops: Organizing workshops on topics such as leadership skills, communication, and personal growth.
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Online Courses

Cours en ligne

We offer a variety of online courses and classes to integrate more arts and mindfulness into your day. See our STORE for more information.

Nous offrons une variété de cours et de classes en ligne pour intégrer plus d'arts et de pleine conscience dans votre journée. Voir notre MAGASIN pour plus d'informations.

Shop our Online Courses Here!


I am available for arts and mindfulness workshops for your group. Workshops generally run from a "lunch and learn" to 1-2 hours to full-day, depending on your needs.

All workshops are customizable for your group goals and time available.

A few sample topics:

  • Integrating mindfulness in your day / activities
  • Coping with stress in the workplace
  • Trauma-informed practices
  • Creative Movement
  • Mindful art journaling
  • Tapping into play for creativity
  • Yoga and meditation (various forms)
  • Holistic Nutrition and Mindful Eating
  • Group Drum Circles


Je suis disponible pour des ateliers d'arts et de pleine conscience pour votre groupe. Les ateliers se déroulent généralement d'un "déjeuner et apprendre" à 1-2 heures à une journée complète, selon vos besoins.

Tous les ateliers sont personnalisables en fonction des objectifs de votre groupe et du temps disponible.

Quelques exemples de sujets :

  • Intégrer la pleine conscience dans votre journée/activités
  • Faire face au stress au travail
  • Pratiques tenant compte des traumatismes
  • Mouvement créatif
  • Journal d'art conscient
  • Jouer pour la créativité
  • Yoga et méditation (diverses formes)
  • Nutrition holistique et alimentation consciente
  • Cercle de tambours


In partnership with Vault Life Coaching and Voda Retreats, LEAP Wellness can create a retreat experience for your group suited to any theme. We offer:

  • Life coaching
  • Therapeutic arts and mindfulness experiences
  • Sessions on keeping organised
  • Yoga and resilience sessions
  • Nutrition sessions
  • Curated spa-like experiences for your guests

Custom Meal Plan

Do you or a family member have recently discovered intolerances and are unsure how to adapt your dietary routine to accommodate it? Or maybe you're just looking for some new, healthy ideas. Sara Adams is a Registered Holistic Nutritional Consultant and can help you with your dietary needs. She will interview you about your preferences and dietary restrictions and will then provide meal ideas, including recipes that accommodate your lifestyle, along with suggestions on where to find specialty items. Depending on length of the meal plan, prices vary from $80-$120. Dietary and symptom assessment also available upon request for an additional fee.